Budapest Hikers: Hike in Pilis – #spingishere

This winter in Hungary was one of the coldest winters that we have ever experienced. Because of the extreme cold for so long (seriously, -10 degrees for 2 months is too much for us!), we were all waiting for the sunny and warm spring to come out and say hi, I am back! Finally, in […]
Did we just become best friends? ISAB cooperation with Budapest Hikers

We are happy to tell you that the awesome ISAB team is cooperating with Budapest Hikers at the Spring Activity Retreat to make sure that you will get the professional help during the sport activities. Thanks to them, we can keep up your good mood with ultimate frisbee, football, volley ball, badminton and so on. What is […]
3 awesome accommodation for the Budapest Hikers spring retreat

Dear Hikers! As you may know, we offer 3 different kind of options regarding the accommodation. Why? Because we want you to be comfortable and happy. 1. Wooden hut This is the fanciest and most comfortable option which can accommodate 5 or 10 people in one hut. It has a seperated kitchen and bathroom. If […]
Budapest Hikers Activity Camp – Join us!

Don’t you guys just do hikes? No, Budapest Hikers is about much more than hiking. We’re a vibrant International community that encourage our members to socialise together, go outside and be active. We don’t just limit ourselves to hiking and we’re always trying to think of new ways to enjoy the nature and spend time […]
Hiking Dates – 5 reasons why they’re the best

Valentines Day is just around the corner and I’m sure some of you are still struggling to think of the perfect romantic date to sweep the girl/guy of your dreams off their feet. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered with the most original and romantic Valentines Day activity you can imagine, hiking. What could be better […]